First Responders

First Responders, such as police officers, military, veterans, peace officers, fire fighters, paramedics, and other emergency personnel are exposed to intensely traumatic events on a regular basis. In 2016, it was estimated that over 70,000 first responders in Canada have experienced PTSD in their lifetime. This is likely an underestimation. 

Many first responders may not notice the impact of frequent trauma exposure on them and their mental health. Often, they start to hear about their changed states from friends, partners, and other people close to them. 

It is common for first responders to feel:

  • isolated and alone

  • misunderstood 

  • increasingly irritated 

  • distant from family and friends

  • guilty 

  • ashamed

  • extremely tired and exhausted 

  • helpless and hopeless 

  • confused

Available Treatments

If you are feeling this way, know that you are not alone. At Midnight Sun Wellness, we have trauma trained therapists who specialise in working with first responders and the unique traumas they experience. 

We use a combination of EMDR, CBT, Narrative, and other types of therapies to help our first responders navigate their traumas, trauma responses, and workplace challenges. We also direct bill to Medavie Blue Cross and work with RCMP, VAC, and CAF so you do not have to worry about figuring out payment or session extensions. Contact up for more information or for a free 20 minute consultation!